Monday, June 2, 2014

Struggling with Juggling

I must admit that when I wear one hat, I can be amazing. But most days I don’t have the luxury of wearing (or I dare say juggling) only one hat. I have my mom hat, my wife hat, my sister hat, my daughter hat and numerous friend hats (some days I even wear my sister in law and my aunty hat). Although it is nice to have so many hats to wear (or wonderful people in my life), it is a challenge for me to wear a few hats at the same time. Each one of those hats comes with a set of responsibilities, tasks and a level of understanding of the others persons needs.

When my family gets together, which often happens this time of year, I find myself juggling the needs of numerous people. My senior parents, my two sisters, my husband and my autistic son all require different things from me. Additionally, I have a different relationship with each person. That means I speak and act differently with each of them. For this reason when everyone is together I struggle to juggle what everyone needs. An example might be me (a vegetarian) cooking a gluten free, dairy free, kosher thanksgiving feast with two turkeys and all the fixings, in my home. Somewhere in the need to take care of everyone else, I forgot to take care of me. I spent the entire next day in bed, completely whipped out physically and emotionally.

So why am I blogging about my juggling act? Because I suspect that I am not the only mommy out there who juggles. My advice...try to remember that you are an integral part of the puzzle that makes your family work, and you can’t sacrifice your sanity and your health.

I will remind you and you remind me :) Happy Holidays

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