Monday, June 2, 2014

Facebook can make me sad

When I have a few moments in my day, I like to sign on to Facebook and get caught up with who is traveling, who is eating something yummy or  find out what book someone just finished.

Often times I get a post about someone's son or daughter.  Many post these days are about parent trips to see their children in college. Although I am happy to read the places they are traveling to, the awards they are receiving or the pride they are feeling. Sometimes it stirs up a little emotion. 

Much like the holiday cards that begin arriving in the mail after thanksgiving. People share only the most positive and wonderful news about their children. There is no mention of the stress, the meltdown or the argument that occurred earlier that day. As much as I understand that it is not really socially acceptable to whine on Facebook, and what I am reading is only the most wonderful news they have to share.  Still I get little green twinges of disappointment. I wish I could be traveling to a University out of sate to visit my independent child in their new life. I wish I was sharing those exciting stories as well. 

And it is at those moments that I feel a sense of disappointment creeping in, that I must reframe. I think it in only human to have emotion, however, it is what we do with those feelings that defines us. I refocus my thoughts on all of the blessings I have in my house. The healthy and wonderful young man I see in front of me. In many ways his accomplishments are greater than any awards. He has traveled a great distance to become the young man he is today!  He takes smaller steps forward than some of his peers, but they are forward steps and worthy of my pride. Reframing is a tool we can all use when things get us down.  When I reframe, I can see the whole picture and I am joyful to live in my world.

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